Thursday, March 19, 2009

注意事項 Notice

a.主日崇拜前有晨禱會(8:30am~9:00am) 誠邀當天有事奉的弟兄姊妹一同參與,其他弟兄姊妹亦歡迎參加。 Morning Prayer: 8:30~9:00am every Sunday. Those who are serving on that day are invited to join in. All are welcome.

b.崇拜期間請勿遲到或早退。禱告時暫停進出禮堂,進入禮堂後保持安靜,關掉手機及停止交談,以免影響他人。除因健康因素之外,請勿吃喝。Do not be late or leave early. Wait at your place during prayer times. Be considerate to others. Please turn off your mobile phone and be quiet at all times. Do not eat or drink in the sanctuary except for medical reasons.

c. 弟兄姊妹請自備餐具,並於用餐後帶回家清洗。凡沒有自備餐具者,需另付五毛購買用後即棄餐具。 如非當天有關事奉人員,其他人等請勿進入廚房。Please bring your own utensile and clean them at home after lunch or pay 50 cents for a plastic set. Please do not enter the kitchen if you are not serving in the kitchen on that day.

d. 弟兄姊妹請注意衛生間、禮堂、副堂及公眾地方之整齊清潔。 Please keep the toilets, main hall, social hall and all public areas

clean and tidy.